Saturday, August 30, 2008

Critique Partners/Groups?

As a new author, I am learning something new all the time. In fact, in life the minute you stop learning is the minute you stop growing (my opinion). I have tried to read as much as I can about the market and when that doesn't work, I try to ask the authors who have been in the business a lot longer.

I am a very private person. And I think I have mentioned a time or two before that no one ever read any of my works until I started submitting my books to publishers. So having someone I know critique my work is very difficult for me, I haven't quite mastered that thick skin yet.

So anyway, I've been wondering: If we are our own worst critics, why bother with crit groups and/or partners? Are they truly necessary to become the best writer one can be? Is that the only way to be truly successful as an author?

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Unknown said...

I don't use a critique group. I think writers do I say this without offending people...difficult to please and set in tehir own ways. I also believe there is the chance another writer will inadvertently absorb your idea and use it. This has happened to me but not sure how 'inadvertent'it supposedly it was. I trust my editor to tell me if something sucks. I think critique groups are good if you are not confident in your work

Anika Hamilton said...

Thank you...

Phoenix said...

Because fresh eyes will catch things you miss. Like misspelled words or incorrect usage or odd figures of speech or weird sentence structures or things that don't make sense outside your head.

Yeah, we crit our own stuff even as it's going out the door but crit partners are like the last defense in catching something you are so attuned to that it got by.

Anika Hamilton said...

okay, I see what you mean...

Thank you...

barbara huffert said...

Though I have a few people I let read my newly finished projects because I value their opinions in general I don't do so with the intent of having them critique it. I do that myself.

Anika Hamilton said...

Thanks . . .

Sedonia Guillone said...

I would not have grown as a writer without having the help of critiques. Like Kelly said, fresh eyes will catch things you miss, challenge your ways of approaching your writing. Of course, not all suggestions will be useful, but the ones that do and that help your writing grow and develop, are invaluable.

Anika Hamilton said...

Thank you Sedonia.