Thursday, September 25, 2008

So Busy...

I have been so busy the past few weeks. I am doing my job and that of my boss who is out on maternity leave. I have also been out on jury duty. I haven't had time to read any of my favorite blogs and as you well know post anything on my own blog.

I have been trying to at least squeeze in some little as that has been.

I hope everyone is doing okay. Until next time...


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Unknown said...

I hear ya - we're all too damn busy

Anonymous said...

Maternity and jury duty have to end sometime. Then you'll wonder what to do with all your free time.

Unknown said...

I know about busy. I just try to use any bit of time I can find and why I love my alpha smart so much. :)

I hope it gets easier for you soon.

barbara huffert said...

You can do it all. I have faith in you. We'll be here when you have time again.

Sedonia Guillone said...

I've been in the same boat!